Entries for Edale Skyline are due to open on Saturday, 1st February. It’s an English Championship race this year and so will fill up rapidly.
More importantly, Mark Jones is looking for volunteers without whom the race cannot take place. Volunteering duties include helping out at a checkpoint, in race control, sweeping, or taking care of the car parking before the race. We will also need first aiders on the day, so if you have taken part in a club organised FRA First Aid course please consider volunteering for this. The volunteering form is here. 
Past Races
Dark Peak Stones – Race report and results here. 
Ashop Horseshoe – The third Dark Peak Races League outing of the year with wins for Tom Saville and Ruth Batty. Race report and results here. 
All smiles after trotting round Ashop Horseshoe in a crisp sunny winter’s morning.
Upcoming races
Sunday 26th January – Tigger Tor, Local League.
Sunday 2nd February – Dovedale Big Daddy, a new Peak District ‘AL’ and the conclusion of the four race Limestone Series. Local League. Laurence Piercy leads the MSEN category. Craig Jeffery is 2nd M50 behind Matlock’s Richard Bradbury. Liz Batt leads the F50’s as does Keith Holmes in the M70’s.
Saturday 8th February – Margery Hill, arguably the best of the Dark Peak races and not to be underestimated. A tip: Take more kit than you think you’ll need!
Wednesday 12th February – Rivelin Landmarks. The knoll does actually exist. Honest!
Sunday16th February – New Chew & Hoppits Hill.
Sunday 23rd February – Wart’s Revenge.
Saturday 1st March – Boz’s Birthday run.
Sunday, 26th January 2025
Categories: Carshare