Fell running is an extreme sport and injuries and fatalities do happen. It is essential that each individual takes responsibility for his/her own safety. To enable members to develop the skills required to understand the risks of being out on the fells, the club seeks to offer all members courses in navigation, mountain craft and first aid. There are also a number of professional mountain guides, mountain rescue and medics in the club that are always willing to offer advice on many aspects of the sport.

Preparation for a run
Before you leave home try to find a few minutes to think what you will require. This could include:

  • The weather forecast
  • What kit will be needed (if in doubt more kit is always worthwhile)
  • A potential route (do not rely on those attending, they may not know where they are going any more than you do!)
  • Your personal circumstances

Checking the weather forecast for the area you are running from in is essential. The climate in a city centre can be a world away from what it’s like on the top of Kinder Scout.

What kit you wear and carry depends all four of the items above. At a minimum, and in line with FRA best practice guidelines, you should carry full body cover (waterproof or windproof according to conditions), spare top, hat, gloves, space blanket, torch, spare batteries, map, compass, whistle and emergency food. Extra items could include a light bivvy bag or 1-2 man emergency shelter and first aid kit. 

Routes for the next organised run or race are sometimes published on the Calendar page or Members/Warts blog. Beware that these sometimes change due to local circumstances. Consider the area for yourself and study the map. The five golden rules to prevent you getting lost are:

  • Distance – how far in total? and how far between significant points en route?
  • Direction – use compass bearings
  • Duration – how long will it take overall? And between significant points?
  • Description – determine in advance what you expect to see, what type of ground you will be covering, climbs and descents, significant features eg ridge, wall, and tick off these elements as you run along
  • Destination – clarify to yourself and with others where you are actually trying to reach and have in mind a feature which will tell you if you have overshot.

If you apply all of these rules to your route it will lessen the probability of getting lost. Missing any one increases the risk of error. If you have a satnav or altimeter, these can also be used to aid navigation but should always be used in conjunction with map and compass and should never be independently trusted due to the risk of technical malfunction.

Your individual personal circumstances are of course unique to yourself but take in to consideration, what you have eaten during the day and does a family member or friend know where you are going and what time to expect you home. If you take medication, let somebody know in the group and if you are new to the club, let a fellow runner know where your car is parked especially if you have travelled alone. Be aware that in races the risks of becoming isolated or exhausted is increased. Do not be tempted to travel light.

Although we do attempt to identify new club members, at night it can be challenging, so if the person making announcements fails to identify you, do approach someone and introduce yourself.

For further information contact the Committee via the contacts page on the website.

In the event of a serious incident

Mountain Rescue advise that it is likely to be at least 2 hours (from a call being received) before support can get to a person on the hill in the Peak District. So be prepared to stay warm and manage injuries for a minimum of 2 hours when you venture on to the hill. 

Mountain Rescue strongly advise leaving a route card and route plan with someone reliable when you venture on the hills. The route plan should contain return time and instructions for action when the return time is exceeded. 

Further Information

and follow these links:

General safety on the fells; Fell Runners Association Safety Requirements 
Hyperthermia FRA guide 
Hypothermia; FRA guide 
Lyme Disease; a BBC programme with additional links
Weils Disease; an HSE document about leptospirosis