Entries for the 2024 edition of the Burbage Skyline are open at https://events360.co.uk/burbageskyline/
Follow the Facebook page for latest updates here – www.facebook.com/burbageskyline
Race Kit
It is mandatory to wear fell or trail shoes. Road running shoes are not suitable for this race given the very rocky and boggy terrain. Entrants wearing road shoes will not be allowed to race.
Otherwise, the kit runners are required to carry is at the discretion of the Race Organiser, depending on the weather conditions. All runners should be prepared for the requirement to bring FRA Best Practice kit if the weather is bad. A decision will be made on the evening or possibly before. If the weather is good, there will be no mandatory kit requirement – as has been the case in recent years.
FRA Best Practice Kit is waterproof whole body cover (taped seams and attached hood) + hat + gloves + map + compass + whistle + emergency food.
If there is a kit requirement then mandatory kit inspections may be performed on race day and you will not be admitted to start the race unless you have passed this inspection. A further check may be undertaken on completion of the race – anyone completing the race without the required kit will be disqualified and reported to the FRA.
Your race number must not be folded or cut down and, at the start, all checkpoints and the finish, must be clearly visible on your chest.
Unfortunately there is no kit storage facility at the Fox House – but it is a great place for a pint, so please do stick around afterwards for a well-deserved beer!
FRA Requirements
Burbage Skyline is a fell race (not a trail race) and is run under FRA licence.
Please ensure you have read and understand the FRA Requirements for Runners 2023.
Whilst relatively straightforward, the route contains sections of challenging rocky and boggy terrain, and three small river crossings. Runners must be confident of their ability to navigate and complete the route safely. It is imperative that you know what you are letting yourself in for.
The FRA highlight that it is prohibited to race with someone else’s number and to use GPS (or equivalent) for navigation or fixing position. If you retire you must report to the Race Organiser.
The event could not happen without the support of the FRA who provide insurance for the event allowing it to go ahead. We anticipate many or our participants are members. but if you are not a member please consider joining. FRA members provide many events each year and it is only possible with the support of participants who are also members. Join the FRA here.
Junior Runners
DPFR encourages competent junior runners to participate.
Under FRA regulations Burbage Skyline is open to junior runners aged 16 and 17, so long as the runner is 17 by the end of the year (i.e. born before the end of 2005). Junior entrants must have the consent of your Parent or Legal Guardian before entering and taking part in an FRA Fell Race and it must be your parent or legal guardian that completes the online entry form.
Personal Data
Race entry personal data – Race Privacy Statement