25/30 Trigs

25 Trigs

This has been done but only maybe once (not true any more) by Pete Simpson in 1991 in a time of 23:48. A challenge there if there ever was one?
We now have a time set by Stuart Walker of 23:42 on 26/27 May 2016. Apparently Pete Simpson accidentally (!) added Flask Edge trig; Stuart avoided Flask Edge but added the Ox Stones, so still did 26 trigs.

Originator: Pete Simpson

No route map – can anyone contribute?

Men’s record: Stuart Walker, 23:42, May 2016

Women’s record: 

30 Trigs

Peak District 27 trigs extended to 30 


No route map – can anyone contribute?

Men’s record: Oli Johnson, 22:14, September 2020

Women’s record: 

Run Reports: