Type 2 fun at Crookstone Knoll.
Monday 6th January – Jura entries open on SiEntries.
Past races
Crookstone Crashout – Race report and results here.
Two Turtle Doves – Felix Watts 7th, Keith Swainson 2nd M40, Craig Jeffery 1st M50, Alison Wainwright 1st F50 and Adrian Baker 2nd M60. Results.
Boxing Day Bogtrot – Roy Small writes….

“This year’s Bogtrot attracted 27 entrants who faced all the indignities I could invent with good humour and much discussion. They were rewarded with the best weather we have ever had since Marilyn and I started our version of the Boxing Day event in 1995. This made for a very relaxed sociable atmosphere at the start the finish and at the post race debrief at our house.
Tom Saville surpassed my expectations by completing 3 full circuits in the time limit.
Also well done to Tim Rutter and Euan Patton who got 15 points and to Emily Barnett on 13 points and first lady. Well done to Marilyn for a wonderful soup afterwards.” Results.

Jack Walwyn (U13) showing impressive speed and stamina at the Bogtrot, 8th out of 23 runners.
Upcoming races
Sunday 29th December – Bradfield Boundary Run.
Tuesday 31st December – Wormstones, Glossop.
Tuesday 31st December – Bowstones, Higher Poynton.
Friday 10th January – Moonriver, a night race in and around Dovedale and the 3rd of the 4 race Limestone Series.
Sunday 12th January – Trigger.
Sunday 12th January – Moz’s Birthday Run. The first of three Dark Peak Races League outings in January. A very fine race.
Sunday 19th January – Dark Peak Stones, which usually has a musical send off! Dark Peak Races League.
Saturday 25th January – Ashop Horseshoe. Dark Peak Races League.
Sunday 26th January – Tigger Tor.
Saturday, 28th December 2024