Christmas and birthdays fortunately only come round once a year. Our last run before Christmas this year was on the week before, and nearly a week before my birthday. I was treated right royally with a sparkling lemon drizzle cake magically produced by Penny out of her sac, at the Hordron stone circle for all 15 of us to share. The cake survived its journey from Cutthroat Bridge to Jarvis cabin, Great Tor on Bamford Edge and then across to the stone circle.

Penny’s cake

It was a very sociable outing for our annual carolfest at Jarvis Cabin and Great Tor where, not daunted by the warm(ish) wind, we sang our hearts out to the residents of the Hope Valley and Moscar Moor, if, indeed, they could even hear us. At least, under our excellent choirmaster and, of course, route finder, Andy, we thought we sounded angelic.

Jarvis Cabin – thanks to Chris
Great Tor – thanks to Chris

In between our bouts of choral activity, I think we ran and walked, the latter keeping up a long-standing Slow Warts’ tradition/necessity, across some moors, along some tracks (yes!) and through some bogs. We were diverted from our athletic effort by the many conversations with welcome guest members like Penny, Sarah, Anne, John W, Russ and Pete G.

Where else but the YBI for more culinary expertise this time from Andy who offered around his now famous flapjack which fuelled a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday which was graciously received. The talk was of old times and new times, the latest route for the Crookestone Crashout, future travels in Norway and memories of a competitive Langdale race, (too) many years ago. Oh, and the various plans for Christmas.

We will miss the next Wednesday’s run (Christmas Day) but we had such a good time tonight that it will make up for missing one Slow Warts’ outing.

Have a very good Christmas!


Track thanks to Chris

Categories: Warts