In the unfortunate absence of our esteemed scribe, it has fallen to me to temporarily take on the role of substitute scribe!
Seven hardened athletes set off from Odin Mine after the Captain had offered his advice, wanted or not, to a group of DoE walkers from Paddington, who were clearly struggling with the concept of hilly ground! The pace was, as usual, blistering as we set off up the tarmac to Hollins Cross, or thereabouts. Pete chose to visit the Cross and take the easy line down, protecting himself for the Orienteering World Champs on Finland where he was defending his title, the rest of us opted for the up and over route down to a well defined track for a pleasant run downhill, which, unfortunately was not to last. Oh, we even had a bit more tarmac before the next bit of pleasure, grumbling was heard that maybe the Captain was losing it and becoming a closet road runner (horror of horrors!).
The route progressed across more pleasant field and footpaths but ominously, the gradient was increasing until climbing the looming hill in front of us became inevitable. The hardened trio of Tim, Tom and Andy set off on the direct line up the 700 foot or so climb, the more sensible of us i.e. Moz, Pete, John and Chris, set off up a diagonal zig-zag track and a “steady” pace, Pete being the exception with his 77th birthday looming, zoomed off up the hill leaving those of us with aging and mistreated bodies to slowly follow.
By the time that Chris, Moz and John had reached the summit of Rushup Edge, the kind souls in front had buggered off and left us, which is not in the true spirit of warting! Needless to say there was much grumbling and not a few profanities cast their way! The rest of the run was fairly straightforward and, for us at least, quite fast. I eventually caught the mail peloton up before Odin’s Mine with Moz and John not far behind. The only noteworthy event was Andy nettling himself, serves him bloody right, I thought, Karma, for leaving us!
The next stop was the George in Castleton just before the heavens opened, perfect timing as always. Next week a more sedate, true warting experience up to New Cross and the Hunter Wreck!
Chris Barber