Could we manage a quorum? After a morning of WhatsApp to-ing and fro-ing, we managed a foursome of promises, to come to Rowlee Bridge. The rest of the Slow Warts had good excuses (off to Jura, the effects of treatment, etc.) and bad excuses, mainly the weather forecast of a month’s rain in 24 hours. Four of us (Chris, Michael, Louis and I) had no excuses so we all appeared at the Bridge in our best waterproofs, ready for the only surprisingly light rain.

Our instructions from the absent Cap’n were Jagger’s Clough, quarry, 442m (or is it 444m?), Madwoman’s Stones and/or Druid’s Stone (possibly) and Crookestone Knoll. The start is the same as the midsummer, midwinter original CK races and by the time we’d got to the gate across the culvert, I’d had enough, never mind getting to the top! To quote Tom W’s Dad, BOA, bloody old age. However, we were spared the full climb as we turned off that route and joined the big track for a gradual wind assisted climb, with talking, thus making it a bit of a dawdle before turning off on to the grassy track towards Jagger’s Clough. Whilst we have come over this way before, it is nevertheless a splendid view into the small valley.

We were now anticipating with some excitement (?) the visit to the quarry after the crossing of the Clough and a short climb, now into the wind and light rain. The DPFR AGM had been held the previous Wednesday and took about an hour and a half and the consumption of many pints. The quarry however provides an opportunity for the Slow Warts to add to those rich AGM comments. Chris, deputising for the Cap’n quickly convened the meeting and the main topic was the safeguarding of older members, did we have a policy? As we climbed out of the quarry, no one could answer the question but we did agree that Andy would continue as Cap’n. 

The Slow Warts’ AGM 2024

Thus, we concluded our AGM within a couple of minutes so went happily on our way up to the 442m summit which despite the Slow Warts’ policy (yes, we do have one) of a wave to the check point being sufficiently close, Chris insisted on visiting 442m for the sake of his track record. So, we did.  

At 444m, photo thanks to Michael

There was a narrow sheep track most of the way there with woolly heather to reduce its abrasion properties, small benefit but BTN, better than nowt. Our climb continued up a green swathe of bilberry towards the edge path where we faced the full force of the north westerly wind, and, of course, rain which was now becoming heavier. 

Chris and Jagger’s Clough both in full flow. Photo thanks to Michael

We have to admit that this latter effect did influence our decision to cancel our visit to either Madwoman’s Stones or the Druid Stone. Instead, we went for the Crookestone descent to remind us of the sad decline of our knees, but, of course, not Louis who sprinted back to the Bridge and was in dry clothes by the time the knee tremblers had arrived.

Happy Birthday, Michael, who had now reached the ranks of the V60 youngsters. He generously supplied a bag full of birthday cake slices at the YBI (where else?) for distribution to the Slow Warts and other club members. There was a sense of smugness that we managed to get out despite the terrible forecast which really only affected us at the end of the run when changing out of very wet clothes into increasingly dampening dry clothes. Well done all, and many thanks.


Our track thanks to Chris
Categories: Warts